Monday, November 21, 2011

Sucker for tacos

I am a sucker for tacos. But what about a fusion taco? Well a fusion of cultures is always great, and Korean Mexican fusion is no exception.  Korean BBQ refers to grilled beef, pork or chicken, typically marinated, and is usually served along with the most common Korean side dish, kimchi.  Kimchi is a mixture of fermented vegetables, such as cabbage and radish, that tends to be very spicy. There are a few popular trucks in NYC serving up Korean BBQ with a Mexican twist...but Korilla BBQ is by far my favorite. 
  I had the ribeye steak and spicy pulled pork tacos served over a corn tortilla with summer kimchi, monterey jack cheese, tomato salsa, and korilla sauce. The pork was the perfect amount of spicy and the rib eye has the most amazing flavor. The summer kimchi is right up my alley, mild, unlike traditional kimchi, but still adds a perfect crunch for the taco. What can I say? These tacos were so good, the three I had were not enough..I could have easily eaten three more.

Korilla's meat is in a league of it's own...the taste is unique and explosive. They have a huge variety in kimchi, giving the option to have your taco mild, or insanely spicy, or anywhere in between. Plus, the tiger striped truck is so cool!

So seriously, hunt down this truck. Whether Korean food is your thing or not, you'll enjoy this fusion of cultures!! Korilla BBQ does not disappoint!!

 Korilla BBQ now has three trucks serving NYC...and the best way to find them is on Twitter or Facebook.

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